Ecological Planning


Posted by iEcology | Posted in Ecology | Posted on 06-03

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Every business organization has to take control on how it impacts on society and all individual entities in the surrounding environment. To do that business organizations need to have their own ecological planning in the aim to guarantee they do not harm or have any kind of adverse impact on the environment in any way.

What we mean by ecological planning is nothing but the process of understanding, evaluating, and providing options for the use of landscape to ensure a better fit with human habitation. Basically, what ecological planning deals with is the method of integration of human habitat along with the goal of environmental sustainability. Started in the year 1969, ecological planning has always been on the forefront since then.

To understand the goals and the implications of such kind of planning one needs to define a lot of key variables in the process. Trying to understand the relationship between human actions and the environment is a clear must and it is only then that one can understand the positive or negative impact that is caused by human actions on the environment.

It is said that one of the most positive impacts and a clear advantage of ecological planning is that it takes into account the environmental sustainability, analyzing the causes and effects of any alteration on the environment. And nothing it is more important than this considering the amount of resources extracted from the environment every day for businesses’ and consumers’ purposes. Another great aspect of ecological planning is that it allows for weighing of the advantages and disadvantages of various projects in various fields and sectors. It gives us a clear cost benefit analysis whether or not the potential benefit outweighs the environmental damage or vice versa.

However there are some cases where the environmental damage is indispensable when the commodity being produced is essential. Now to check on such instances we notice that three important factors are taken into account. Firstly, whether or not the project that is to be undertaken and that will cause environmental damage is beneficial to the public or not and how much. Secondly, whether or not there is any sort of practical alternative wherein the public welfare which can replace it and at the same time can guarantee a reduced environmental damage. Thirdly, one should take care of the fact that no one should hamper with the conservational status of any creature and that the maintenance of it should be topmost priority.

Thus in this manner we see that ecological planning is very much needed and it should be done very efficiently and effectively. Simple planning without any goal or consideration will not help. Ecological planning is known to all but practiced by only a few and that is exactly why we need to popularise its practice. Ecological planning has indeed a very long term effect on the landscape and can help to make the ecology as a whole more better.

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